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Terms of Use


    Please be sure to read carefully and fully understand the contents of each clause, especially the clauses on exemption or limitation of liability, jurisdiction and application of law. Unless you have read and accepted all terms of this Agreement, you have no right to use the Services of the App. Your use of the Services of the App is deemed to have read and agreed to the following Terms of Use. If you are under 18 years of age, please read this Agreement with your legal guardian and pay special attention to the terms of Use for minors.

I. Rights and Obligations of customers

This APP provides you with leisure games and other services. When you use the APP, you abide by the relevant management code of conduct, and you shall be liable for any loss caused to the APP by your behavior (including the loss that the APP Platform shall bear to the third party and the administrative fine that the App Platform shall bear accordingly). Any loss caused by your improper use of the function has nothing to do with the APP.

When using the Application Service, you shall abide by laws and regulations, and bear the legal responsibility for the published content. The use of the Service shall be in accordance with all applicable local, national and international laws and Internet regulations, including but not limited to:

(1) When sending out information, it must comply with the laws and regulations of the relevant country or region.

(2) Do not use the services for illegal purposes, and comply with the relevant laws and regulations of the country where they are located.

(3) Do not interfere with or disrupt network services.

(4) Comply with all network protocols, regulations and procedures for using the Service.

(5) Abide by the Internet code of ethics.

(6) Do not use the service to send spam or distribute any unauthorized information.

Do not use the Service to engage in illegal activities, including but not limited to:

(1) Publish, transmit, disseminate or store contents that endanger national security and unity, undermine social stability, violate public order and good customs, insult, slander, obscenity, violence or any other contents that violate state laws and regulations;

(2) Publishing, transmitting, disseminating or storing contents that infringe upon others' intellectual property rights, trade secrets and other legitimate rights;

(3) maliciously fabricating facts and concealing the truth to mislead and deceive others;

(4) Publish, transmit and disseminate advertising information and junk information;

(5) transmission of information that incites others to constitute criminal acts;

(6) Acts prohibited by other laws and regulations.

The materials you submit to the APP (including but not limited to audio recording and text) shall not contain any content in violation of relevant laws, nor shall they be used for any purpose in violation of relevant laws. Otherwise, any legal risks and consequences arising therefrom shall be borne by you.
You know and agree that you will not use any of the services and technologies provided by the APP for purposes that violate relevant laws, otherwise, all legal consequences arising therefrom will be borne by you!

If you violate the provisions of this Article, the relevant state organs or institutions may file lawsuits against you, impose fines or take other sanctions against you and require the APP to provide assistance. If any damage is caused, you shall compensate according to law and the APP shall not assume any liability.

If the APP finds or receives a report from others that the information you post violates the provisions of this Article, the APP Provider has the right to make an independent judgment and take technical measures to delete, block or disconnect the link. At the same time, the APP Provider shall have the right to take measures including but not limited to suspension or termination of the service and legal liability and other measures depending on the nature of the behavior.

You shall be independently liable for any third party damage caused by your violation of this Article. If the APP suffers any loss as a result, you shall also compensate for it.

2. Provide services according to the status quo

You understand and agree that the services of the APP Platform are provided in accordance with the current technology and conditions. The APP will do its best to provide you with services to ensure the consistency and security of the services; However, the APP cannot predict and prevent legal, technical and other risks from time to time, including but not limited to force majeure, viruses, trojans, hacker attacks, system instability, third-party service defects, government actions and other causes of service interruption, data loss and other losses and risks.

Iii. Intellectual Property Rights and confidentiality clauses

1. The ownership of the software and data used in the service and related business of the APP shall be vested in the APP provider. You are obligated to ensure that the APP's intellectual property rights are not infringed by any third party due to your actions. And you guarantee that you shall not use or copy the software and data related to the APP, or allow any third party to steal the software and data of the APP. The termination of this Agreement shall not terminate the obligations of the Parties under this Article.

Either party shall keep confidential the technical and trade secrets of the other party and the APP that it has not disclosed to the public during the cooperation. Without the written permission of the other party, either party shall not disclose them to a third party, otherwise it shall be liable for breach of contract and compensate for losses. After the termination of this Agreement, each party shall abide by the confidentiality provisions hereof and perform the confidentiality obligations promised by it until the other party agrees to release such obligations or in fact does not cause any form of damage to the other party due to the breach of the confidentiality provisions hereof.

Iv. Exemption Clauses and relevant agreements

You understand and agree that in order to provide you with effective services, the Service will utilize the processor and bandwidth resources of your terminal devices. Data traffic charges may be incurred during the use of the service. You need to obtain the relevant tariff information from the carrier and bear the relevant charges.

When using the Service, you shall bear the following risks beyond the control of the APP Platform, including but not limited to:

2.1 Risks of information loss and leakage that may be caused by irresistible factors such as computer viruses, Trojan horses, other malicious programs and hacker attacks;

2.2 Failure of computer software, system, hardware and communication line of you or the APP;

2.3 You misoperate or use the Service in a way not authorized by the APP Platform;

2.4 Risks and liabilities arising from the retransmission and sharing of the content you publish by others;

2.5 Risks such as application failure, incomplete data and slow page opening caused by unstable network signals;

2.6 Other circumstances beyond the control or reasonably foreseeable of the APP Platform.

You understand and agree that the content you post through the APP may be copied, reprinted, modified or used for other purposes by other users or third parties, which is out of your expectation and control. You should be fully aware of the existence of such risks, and any information you do not want to be known by others should not be published in the APP.

4. You understand and agree that the APP reserves the right to change, suspend, restrict, terminate or revoke all or part of the Service at any time without any notice due to business development needs.

You understand and agree that the APP Platform does not provide any express or implied warranty for the Service, including but not limited to merchantability, suitability, reliability, accuracy, completeness, virus free and error-free. The APP Platform shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, derivative or punitive compensation for loss of your profits, business reputation, data or other tangible or intangible losses caused by:

1) Any products, data or services purchased or obtained through the Services;

2) Unauthorized use or modification of customer information;

3) Other service related matters.

6. You understand and agree that service suspension during server configuration and email system maintenance and upgrade of the APP, or service application failure caused by accidental blocking of the network channel, shall not be regarded as breach of the APP.

5. Liability for breach of contract

If either party breaches any provision of this Agreement, the non-breaching party shall have the right to notify the breaching party in writing that the non-breaching party will temporarily suspend the performance of its obligations hereunder until the breaching party stops the breach and takes sufficient, effective and timely measures to eliminate the consequences of the breach and compensate the non-breaching party for the losses caused by the breach.

2. Under any circumstances, if the APP causes you any loss due to its fault in providing the service, the total amount of compensation paid shall not exceed the service fee you have already paid to the APP Platform.

Vi. Entry into force and Modification of the Agreement

If you use the services of the APP Platform, you shall be deemed to have read this Agreement and be bound by it.

2. The APP has the right to modify the terms of this Agreement when necessary. You can view the latest version of the terms of Agreement on the relevant services page.

If you continue to use the software or services provided by the APP after the terms of this Agreement are changed, you shall be deemed to have accepted the modified Agreement. If you do not accept the revised Agreement, you shall stop using the software or services provided by the APP platform.

Vii. Service change, interruption and termination

1. The APP may change the service content, or interrupt, suspend or terminate the service.

The APP Platform has the right to interrupt or terminate the service provided to you without notice if any of the following situations occur:

(1) You violate relevant laws and regulations or provisions of this Agreement;

(2) in accordance with legal provisions or requirements of competent authorities;

(3) For security reasons or other necessary circumstances.

The APP has the right to charge fees as stipulated in Article 2 of this Agreement. If you do not pay in full and on time, the APP has the right to interrupt, suspend or terminate the service provided.

3. You are responsible to back up the data stored in the Service by yourself, and the APP Platform has no obligation and cannot return the data to you.

Vii. Dispute Resolution and Applicable Law

7.1 The execution, execution and interpretation of this Agreement and the settlement of disputes shall be governed by local laws.

7.2 In case of any dispute over the content or performance of this Agreement, both parties shall negotiate amicably. If no agreement can be reached through negotiation, either party may file a lawsuit with the institution where the APP platform is located.

Viii. Terms of Use for Minors

If the user is under the age of 18, the user is a minor and shall read this Agreement and use the Service under the supervision and guidance of the guardian.

2. Juvenile users are inexperienced in the world, easily confused by virtual images of the Internet, and have strong curiosity. They lack the ability to deal with emergencies randomly, and are easy to be used by people with ulterior motives and lack the ability to protect themselves. Therefore, juvenile users should pay attention to the following matters when using the Service, improve safety awareness and strengthen self-protection:

(1) Recognize the difference between the network world and the real world, avoid being addicted to the network, which will affect the daily study life;

(2) When filling in personal data, enhance the awareness of personal protection to prevent undesirable elements from causing harassment to personal life;

(3) Learn to use the Internet properly under the guidance of a guardian or teacher;

(4) Avoid strangers to meet or participate in social activities, so as not to criminals have the opportunity to endanger their own safety.

Guardians and schools should provide more guidance to minors when using the Service. In particular, parents should be concerned about the growth of their children, pay attention to the communication with their children, guide their children should pay attention to the safety of the Internet, in case of prevention.

Ix. Description of Automatic Subscription Service
1. Subscription service: including continuous package week (1 week), continuous package month (1 month), continuous package year (12 months)
2. Subscription price: Subject to IAP application information, such as week, month, year, etc
3. Payment: After the user confirms the purchase and makes the payment, it will be credited to the iTunes account
4. Cancel the renewal: If you cancel the renewal, please manually turn off the automatic renewal function in iTunes Store and App Store/Apple ID setting management 24 hours before the current subscription period expires
5. Renewal: Apple iTunes account will deduct the fee within 24 hours before expiration, and the subscription period will be extended by one subscription period after successful deduction

X. Others

10.1 The headings of all terms of this Agreement are for convenience only and have no actual meaning and shall not be used as the basis for interpretation of the meaning of this Agreement.

10.2 No matter if the provisions of this Agreement are partially invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the remaining provisions shall remain valid and binding upon both parties.

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